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    How to create a truly custom theme in Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose series:

    Jetpack Compose comes with the Material theme by default. It does a great job of styling apps that already follow Material guidelines. Moreover, Google published a comprehensive guide on how to customize it.


    As it’s often the case, most apps only partially follow Material guidelines and have their own custom design systems. In this situation, MaterialTheme cannot be used as it provides only Material styling.

    In this article we will learn how to create a truly custom theme that follows our own design system.

    cover image

    How to create a custom theme

    We will implement a custom theme in a similar manner as MaterialTheme. It will have a different set of attributes and their properties.
    But first, let’s answer a few important questions before diving into the code:

    • Can I use XML styles in Jetpack Compose?
    • How does MaterialTheme work?

    XML styles in Jetpack Compose

    Unfortunately, XML styles are mostly not compatible with Jetpack Compose.

    It’s impossible to reuse existing text styles or themes in JC layouts besides retrieving basic resources such as colors, dimensions, etc. However, I would also highly recommend recreating these in Jetpack Compose, which is covered in this article as well.

    How Material Theme works

    If you take a look at the MaterialTheme implementation you will notice that it consists of 2 main parts:

    1. The MaterialTheme object that contains attribute holders(colors, typography, shapes)
    object MaterialTheme {

    val colors: Colors
    get() = LocalColors.current

    val typography: Typography
    get() = LocalTypography.current

    val shapes: Shapes
    get() = LocalShapes.current
    1. The Composable that wraps UI and passes styling attributes down to inner composables
    fun MaterialTheme(
    colors: Colors = MaterialTheme.colors,
    typography: Typography = MaterialTheme.typography,
    shapes: Shapes = MaterialTheme.shapes,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit

    In the following sections, we will create our own theme in a very similar way, but it will contain:

    • colors
    • typography
    • dimensions

    Create AppTheme

    First, create the AppTheme object class that will contain color, typography and dimension attributes holders. Each of these components are going to be implemented in the following sections.

    object AppTheme {

    val colors: AppColors
    get() = LocalColors.current

    val typography: AppTypography
    get() = LocalTypography.current

    val dimensions: AppDimensions
    get() = LocalDimensions.current

    All theme attributes are accessed with the AppTheme object.

    Add app colors

    For the sake of simplicity, our demo app will have only 5 colors:

    • primary
    • textPrimary
    • textSecondary
    • background
    • error

    We will also add an isLight property to define if the colors set is for a light or dark mode.

    AppColors will be the most complicated component among the three as it can change its values in runtime(also to support both light and dark modes).

    Create the AppColors class. It should contain:

    • specified color tokens
    • getters and setters
    • a copy function

    data class cannot be used here because of mutableStateOf which is added to support dynamical color change.

    class AppColors(
    primary: Color,
    secondary: Color,
    textPrimary: Color,
    error: Color,
    isLight: Boolean
    ) {
    var primary by mutableStateOf(primary)
    private set
    var secondary by mutableStateOf(secondary)
    private set
    var textPrimary by mutableStateOf(textPrimary)
    private set
    var error by mutableStateOf(error)
    private set
    var isLight by mutableStateOf(isLight)
    internal set

    fun copy(
    primary: Color = this.primary,
    secondary: Color = this.secondary,
    textPrimary: Color = this.textPrimary,
    error: Color = this.error,
    isLight: Boolean = this.isLight
    ): AppColors = AppColors(

    // will be explained later
    fun updateColorsFrom(other: AppColors) {
    primary = other.primary
    textPrimary = other.textPrimary
    textSecondary = other.textSecondary
    background = other.background
    error = other.error

    What’s mutableStateOf?
    mutableStateOf creates a MutableState object that holds the color value. The value is wrapped into MutableState for Jetpack Compose to observe the writes to this property and then update the UI that uses it.

    Setting your colors

    Create your colors below the AppColors class as variables:

    private val colorLightPrimary = Color(0xFFFFB400)
    private val colorLightTextPrimary = Color(0xFF000000)
    private val colorLightTextSecondary = Color(0xFF6C727A)
    private val colorLightBackground = Color(0xFFFFFFFF)
    private val colorLightError = Color(0xFFD62222)

    0xFFFFB400 is just an ARGB color int. Having a color hex(for example, #FFB400) you can turn it into ARGB color int by adding 0xFF in the beggining. To set transparancy to the color, update the FF value after 0x

    Add a lightColors() function to create a light theme color scheme for the app:

    fun lightColors(
    primary: Color = colorLightPrimary,
    textPrimary: Color = colorLightTextPrimary,
    textSecondary: Color = colorLightTextSecondary,
    background: Color = colorLightBackground,
    error: Color = colorLightError
    ): AppColors = AppColors(
    primary = primary,
    textPrimary = textPrimary,
    textSecondary = textSecondary,
    background = background,
    error = error,
    isLight = true

    To support a dark theme just add dark mode colors and create a darkColors() function in the same way as the lightColors():

    fun darkColors(
    primary: Color = colorDarkPrimary,
    textPrimary: Color = colorDarkTextPrimary,
    textSecondary: Color = colorDarkTextSecondary,
    background: Color = colorDarkBackground,
    error: Color = colorDarkError
    ): AppColors = AppColors(
    primary = primary,
    textPrimary = textPrimary,
    textSecondary = textSecondary,
    background = background,
    error = error,
    isLight = false

    Accessing the colors

    The last step is to create the LocalColors object. It’s an instance of CompositionLocal which does 2 things:

    • implicitly passes color attributes through the composition tree of our UI
    • updates the UI once some value changes

    Create it with staticCompositionLocalOf as it will trigger the whole content lambda to be recomposed once some value is changed.

    internal val LocalColors = staticCompositionLocalOf { lightColors() }

    Add text styles

    Text styles(typography) are added in a very similar way.
    Specify the type scales(text types) of your design system. In this demo we will have the following type scales:

    • h1
    • subtitle
    • body
    • button
    • caption

    Create AppTypography

    Add a data class named AppTypography whose properties are the type scales (h1, subtitle, body, etc.). Assign the default values right in the constructor, setting an appropriate TextStyle for each element.
    We will also add some custom fonts to the app. I’ll create them right above the typography class:

    private val rubik = FontFamily(
    Font(R.font.rubik_regular, FontWeight.Normal)

    private val openSans = FontFamily(
    Font(R.font.open_sans_regular, FontWeight.Normal)

    data class AppTypography(
    val h1: TextStyle = TextStyle(
    fontFamily = rubik,
    fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    fontSize = 24.sp
    val subtitle: TextStyle = TextStyle(
    fontFamily = openSans,
    fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    fontSize = 16.sp
    val body: TextStyle = TextStyle(
    fontFamily = openSans,
    fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    fontSize = 16.sp
    val button: TextStyle = TextStyle(
    fontFamily = rubik,
    fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    fontSize = 16.sp
    val caption: TextStyle = TextStyle(
    fontFamily = openSans,
    fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
    fontSize = 12.sp

    internal val LocalTypography = staticCompositionLocalOf { AppTypography() }

    Don’t forget about LocalTypography to store and provide the typography.

    Add dimensions

    Dimensions are added in a similar manner as typography. Set default values to the constructor and add the LocalDimensions holder to access the dimensions.

    data class AppDimensions(
    val paddingSmall: Dp = 4.dp,
    val paddingMedium: Dp = 8.dp,
    val paddingLarge: Dp = 24.dp

    internal val LocalDimensions = staticCompositionLocalOf { AppDimensions() }

    Make AppTheme Composable

    We just created AppColors, AppTypography and AppDimensions for our styling attributes.

    Now it’s time for the final touch.

    Add the AppTheme composable that will wrap our UI content(just as MaterialTheme does) and pass the current styling to the composables inside.

    To do so, make a Composable function named AppTheme with 4 parameters:

    • colors
    • typography
    • dimensions
    • content lambda

    The first 3 arguments should use default values from AppTheme object.

    fun AppTheme(
    colors: AppColors = AppTheme.colors,
    typography: AppTypography = AppTheme.typography,
    dimensions: AppDimensions = AppTheme.dimensions,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
    ) {

    To pass the actual values from your styling attributes, you should wrap content lambda with a CompositionLocalProvider. It will tell LocalColors, LocalDimensions and LocalTypography to provide the styling attributes you pass to the theme function to the inner composables.

    fun AppTheme(
    colors: AppColors = AppTheme.colors,
    typography: AppTypography = AppTheme.typography,
    dimensions: AppDimensions = AppTheme.dimensions,
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
    ) {
    // creating a new object for colors to not mutate the initial colors set when updating the values
    val rememberedColors = remember { colors.copy() }.apply { updateColorsFrom(colors) }
    LocalColors provides rememberedColors,
    LocalDimensions provides dimensions,
    LocalTypography provides typography
    ) {

    And that’s it. Now when we created a custom theme in Jetpack Compose, let’s make a screen with it and style the UI inside.

    Styling UI elements

    In this section, I’ll focus singly on the UI part, but you can have a look at the entire project in the GitHub repo.

    For a demo, we will create a very basic app that will show us a list of photographs, their descriptions and authors.
    First, create a screen and wrap it into the AppTheme:

        setContent {
    AppTheme {
    DemoScreen(items = photographItems)

    DemoScreen is basically a Composable that holds all UI elements(other composables) of the screen. We will make a simple scrollable list(LazyColumn) with a toolbar.

    fun DemoScreen(items: List<PhotographItem>) {
    horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
    modifier = Modifier
    ) {
    item {
    title = {
    Text(text = "The gallery")
    backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
    elevation = 2.dp
    items(items) { item ->

    Now let’s add some styling. First, set the background of the LazyColumn to the background color of our theme. Then style the toolbar title by assiging h1 scale type and primary color to its properties:

    horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
    modifier = Modifier
    ) {
    item {
    title = {
    text = "The gallery",
    style = AppTheme.typography.h1,
    color = AppTheme.colors.primary

    As you can see, styling attributes can be easily accessed with AppTheme object. It always holds the actual values as they are provided from a CompositionLocal.

    Now let’s have a look at the GalleryItem. We want our list items to look as simple as this:

    gallery item

    So the GalleryItem composable will have:

    • description text of the content
    • the photograph itself
    • a caption with the name of the author

    To achieve this, we create a Column and put Text, Image and Text composables inside for the description, photograph and caption accordingly. Then apply the typography and colors from AppTheme and you will get:

    fun GalleryItem(item: PhotographItem) {
    modifier = Modifier.padding(AppTheme.dimensions.paddingMedium)
    ) {
    text = item.description,
    style = AppTheme.typography.body,
    color = AppTheme.colors.textPrimary
    modifier = Modifier.padding(AppTheme.dimensions.paddingSmall)
    contentDescription = null,
    modifier = Modifier.size(256.dp)
    text =,
    style = AppTheme.typography.caption,
    color = AppTheme.colors.textSecondary,
    modifier = Modifier.padding(AppTheme.dimensions.paddingSmall)

    Build the app to make sure that the screen is using the styling we applied:

    demo app

    Applying dark mode

    To apply the dark theme just pass darkColors() to your theme:

        AppTheme(colors = darkColors()) {
    DemoScreen(items = photographItems)

    You can also check if the system theme is dark and then retrive a proper set of colors:

        val darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme()
    val colors = if (darkTheme) darkColors() else lightColors()

    As the result, all composables inside your theme will have updated styling attributes:

    demo app in dark mode

    Further reads

    Full code in the GitHub repo
    Theming in Compose
    Material Theme source code
    Jetpack Compose theming codelab